GPL License
All items listed in the Easy Theme Shop directory are developed by third-party developers and redistributed by under the terms of the General Public License(GPL). is working under GPL licence and is 100% legal.
Are the files & downloads on
-Yes, all plugins, themes, templates, etc.. we provide on our website are legal.
Are you a developer of these files?
Easy Theme Shop is not affiliated, authorized, associated, endorsed by, nor is in any way related to third-party developers (WordPress, WooCommerce, WooThemes, Elegant Themes, etc..)
Do you provide license keys?
-We do not provide, lease, release or resell any license keys. All the products listed on this website are licensed under the GNU General Public License as it is mentioned before. You do not need license keys to use your projects, regardless of how many products need.
License keys are only required if you want to receive automatic updates and support from the author of a plugin or theme.
Are the products genuine?
-Yes, all of our products are 100% authentic. If we feature a product on our website, then we have an active subscription to that product’s author(s). We download from the product from them and redistribute to you. These downloads are not altered in any way.